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Data Entry

Data Conversion

Sales Leads

Value-Added Services



Sales Lead System

Let us help you gain control of your sales canvass! Tell us how you would like your accounts organized and our sales lead system will produce account profiles for delivery to you in the order that best fits your selling style.

Our system will process the listings from the competitive directories in your canvass and your last year's sales information to bring together listings with common names or telephone numbers to create sales profiles of the accounts within your marketplace. Our printed account profile provides all of the listing information, classifications, ad sizes, and retail rate for each ad.

Click here to view a sample of our sales lead account profile form in PDF format.
If you cannot view PDF files, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader now for free from www.adobe.com.

In addition to providing you printed account profiles, we will also organize these accounts so your sales reps can reach the best potential advertisers without having to dig through stacks and stacks of paper. 

    Some canvass organization criteria are:

We also have many other organizational criteria which may benefit your canvass. If you can think it up, we can probably do it!

    Other features of our sales lead system are:

Please see our Value-Added Services for other enhancements we can provide to your listing data.

Click here for our contact information to find out more about how our sales lead system can work for you!

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